115 cm 35 open Webcams Map
Ein Skifahrer auf der Piste und spritzender Schnee im Vordergrund. | © Silvretta Montafon - Daniel Hug Ein Skifahrer auf der Piste und spritzender Schnee im Vordergrund. | © Silvretta Montafon - Daniel Hug
Pre-sale period until 08 DEC 2024

Pre-sale offices for season- & annual season-tickets

Get your annual or season pass now online or as usual at all open cable car cash desks in Montafon and Brandnertal. 

Internal selling points

The season & annual passes are available at all ticket offices during the regular opening hours of the mountain railroads. 

Alpin Sport Zentrale, Schruns
01.09. to 07.12.2024 Monday to friday 08.00 to 17.00 (except public holidays)

External selling points

01.10. to 15.11.2024 BTV Bludenz, BTV Feldkirch, BTV Bregenz (A) weekdays
28.10. to 30.11.2024 Intersport Rankweil (A) daily during opening hours
28.10. to 30.11.2024 Intersport Bürs (A) daily during opening hours
28.10. to 30.11.2024 Intersport Hohenems (A) daily during opening hours
12.11. to 23.11.2024 Vesto AG - St. Gallen (CH) daily during opening hours
28.10. to 30.11.2024 Mountain Shop - Amtzell (D) daily during opening hours
25.11. to 30.11.2024 Messsepark Dornbirn daily during opening hours
02.12. to 07.12.2024 Messsepark Dornbirn daily during opening hours